You are almost two now, and your mom got this great idea to start a memory blog for you! I hope that it brings you happiness when you are older, and gives you a fun look at what your early years were like for you.
We are going to post messages for you, and photos or videos, too! When you are old enough, we plan to let you have a hand in adding content to the blog. You might even decide to continue this on your own, and let more people see your posts…
I guess I should start at the beginning. You were a happy surprise for us, and have continued to amaze us in wonderful ways. When we found out that you were in your mommy’s tummy, we had already been told that it would be pretty hard to have a baby. We had all but given up, but then POOF there you were!
That’s you between the X’s!
We were so happy that we would be meeting you soon. I was happy that Mateo would have a little brother to hang out with. Mommy was happy that she would have you to love forever!
While we waited for you, Mommy and Daddy got married! We were going to get married in August, but that was going to be your birth month, so we happily changed our plans. We went to San Francisco, with Grandma and Auntie Kelly, on a very special day of the year – it’s called Leap Day. It is a special day because it only happens every four years, and February had 29 days instead of 28! Weird, right?
Click this to see Mommy & Daddy on the news!
After the wedding, we partied with our best and closest friends!
This was exciting time for Mommy and Daddy, we were finally married and we had to make a home for you! We read books, bought lots of clothes and got tons of gifts from so many people who already loved you (almost as much as we do).